Purrfect Scratch Lounge Cat Box
013h anthracite
Purrfect Scratch Lounge Cat Box
Our cats have always shown us: they love cat-on or cardboard. Due to the high demand, we have now decided to add a classic scratching box for cats: the Purrfect Scratch Lounge, inspired by our Belgium reseller PurrFectDesign. The raised side walls provide excellent support for the cats when you sit comfortably on the scratching box. The cat lounge is not only an extremely robust and durable scratching board made of sustainable, German corrugated cardboard, but also a popular retreat for all cats.
The long, elongated shape of the scratching board with a depth of 56 cm and a total width of 38 cm magically attracts cats of all sizes. The long scratching surface is ideal for horizontal scratching and stretching. Similar to the milk kick, our velvet paws work off all their emotions on the strong scratching board. For example, when you come home, the cats use the scratching board to immediately work out the joy of their return on the cardboard. The scratching board is quickly integrated into everyday claw care and distracts the house cats from other scratching surfaces such as wallpaper or sofas.
Environmental compatibility is a top priority at cat-on. The scratching cardboard is completely odourless or has a clean paper scent. Cats notice the high quality of the unpolluted raw materials via the marking glands in their paws and feel perfectly at home on any cat-on.
- Order number: 100.135.013h
- Weight: 2.5 kg
- Height: 14 cm
- Length: 38 cm
- Depth: 56 cm
- Delivery time: 12 - 14 workdays
- 100 % Made in Germany
- Customizable
- Vegan certified glue
- Produced from fsc-certified corrugated board
- Designed & handcrafted in Berlin
Wrapped in great crackling paper, unwrapping the scratching box is a real experience for owners and velvet paws alike. Lovingly packaged, both humans and animals discover the high-quality scratching furniture hidden inside. The Purrfect Scratch Lounge scratch box is lovingly produced by hand in Berlin after receipt of order. It is made from the best raw materials, such as regionally produced corrugated cardboard, reinforced with long fresh wood fibres from sustainable timber cultivation, for the sake of the environment. The feel of the scratching boxes is very similar to that of wood, an indication of the high durability of our scratching furniture.

The simple design of the scratching box blends in wonderfully with any interior style thanks to its clear lines. In terms of colour, our concentrated expertise is available to you in the design of the scratch box. Due to the individual production of your order, we have the possibility to adapt it completely to your wishes. You will find our contact details at the bottom of this page or contact us via the contact form. Our experienced team will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.
General informations:
cat-on scratching furniture is individually manufactured for you in a complex process from individual layers of high-quality corrugated cardboard in our Berlin factory. Upon receipt of your order, your personal scratching furniture will be freshly produced for you in Berlin, a product handmade in Germany! This individual production enables us to offer you a huge variety of designs and colors.
Many customers are already using our unique, very personal service and have their scratching furniture made in the right color for the facility. You can't find the color of your choice? Just write to us! We are happy to help.
Absolut empfehlenswert!
Ich kaufe bereits seit Jahren bei Cat-On - die Qualität ist nach wie vor hervorragend, die Kratzmöbel sind stabil, langlebig und sehen auch mit Gebrauchsspuren optisch immer noch gut aus! Für mich stimmt das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Und meine beiden neuen Fellnasen lieben die Teile!
Perfekt - sehr zu empfehlen
Das warten hat sich gelohnt, tolle Ware, qualitativ hochwertig und wurde sofort angenommen, netter Kontakt und liebevoll verpackt, den Shop kann ich sehr empfehlen, ganz herzlichen Dank, bis zum nächsten Mal ???⬛⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nach fünf (!) Jahren wurde es zeit für ein paar neue Kratzmöbel. Die alten cat-on waren langsam durch ?
Wie immer perfekte Katzenmöbel, die sehr lange halten. Ich habe letztens beim Dehner einen TV Kratzkarton mal mitgenommen, sah nach zwei Wochen so aus wie die cat-on nach fünf Jahren.
Wenn ich die Kosten ausrechne wird mir schlecht ?
Super Verarbeitung, Katzen lieben die Lounge
Der Kratzkarton hält, was er verspricht. Er wurde sofort von unseren beiden Minilöwen angenommen und wird nicht nur zum Chillen, sondern auch zum Spielen und natürlich zum Kratzen benutzt. Alle Daumen hoch! Klare Kaufempfehlung