LE PLATEAU L cat shelf
000 white
LE PLATEAU L cat shelf
Meet cat-on's modular wall solution, the cat shelf Le Plateau L wall scratching post, the perfect climbing solution for your cats. Whether climbing, playing, watching or sleeping, freely configure your climbing wall for cats!
At the moment we offer the wall scratching posts in the following versions:
Plateau S - Dimensions WxHxD: 45 cm x 10 cm x 33 cm
Plateau L - Dimensions WxHxD: 60 cm x 10 cm x 33 cm
Discover our popular colour samples in our colour catalogue. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Each wall board comes with a concealed aluminium wall bracket onto which the board is slid. Screws and dowels are not included.
The wall bracket can be used universally for all cat-on wall elements. In this way, you can also use our elements to create great climbing solutions for your cats on your wall in the future.
Important note: Please note that the illustrations show an example of combined wall mounting. The sales price is a unit price and refers to the individual wall element including the concealed wall bracket.
- Order number: 100.600.000
- EAN: 4250519514055
- Weight: 4.5 kg
- Height: 10 cm
- Length: 60 cm
- Depth: 33 cm
- Delivery time: 12 - 14 workdays
- 100 % Made in Germany
- Customizable
- Vegan certified glue
- Produced from fsc-certified corrugated board
- Designed & handcrafted in Berlin
Anyone who knows cats knows too well how sensitive, sensitive but also obstinate our velvet paws can be in everyday life. All cat food manufacturers in the world would possibly go out of their way to develop a food that is loved by all cats in the world. When it comes to taste, cats are as individual as they are unpredictable. However, there is one material that almost all cat dreams are made of: cardboard. We made cat-on out of cardboard and have been knitting tirelessly on various cat-scratching rooms since 2010.
The production method in our Berlin factory differs essentially from many other cat products made from corrugated cardboard. On the one hand, we only process high-quality papers from FSC-certified, sustainable wood cultivation, which we obtain from the region. We focus on sustainability in connection with cats and the natural product corrugated cardboard.

On the other hand, we use state-of-the-art technologies in our production, which enable us to process our handcrafted scratching posts and scratching furniture with the utmost precision and incomparably loving care. This guarantees you a premium quality that is constant whenever possible in all model sizes and shapes.
Unique to cat-on scratching posts and cat furniture made of cardboard are the high weight, the different sizes for all cat breeds, the individual production, on request made to measure, the variety of color options, the high aesthetics and processing quality and very special the sound when scratching!
General informations:
cat-on scratching furniture is individually manufactured for you in a complex process from individual layers of high-quality corrugated cardboard in our Berlin factory. Upon receipt of your order, your personal scratching furniture will be freshly produced for you in Berlin, a product handmade in Germany! This individual production enables us to offer you a huge variety of designs and colors.
Many customers are already using our unique, very personal service and have their scratching furniture made in the right color for the facility. You can't find the color of your choice? Just write to us! We are happy to help.
Woww Efekt
Definitiv eine Weiterempfehlung von meiner seite aus. Wir sind mehr als zufrieden mit diesem Plateau.Es hat eine Tolle Verarbeitung, und eine leichte aber auch Stabile Wand Montage. Unsere drei Tiger Leo,Molly und Cookie sind mega happy und zufrieden. Werde definitiv wieder bei Cat-On bestellen, selten so tolle Katzenmöbel gesehen. Fazit: Tolle Verarbeitung, super ergonomisch, Relativ schneller Versand (Warten Lohnt sich aber), Leichte Montage, Stabiler Halt. Von mir definitiv eine Schulnote 1+ mit *** mit 100% Weiterempfehlung.
Immer noch mein Favorit
Auch nach Jahren bin ich, vor allem aber meine Katzen immer noch sehr glücklich und zufrieden mit diesem Artikel. Das schöne an Cat-On Möbeln ist, daß Sie extrem langlebig sind und wirklich lange Freude bereiten. Das Plateau in L hält sogar wenns sein muss 2 meiner 6, 2 kg Kater. Sie sind also nicht nur schön. sondern auch stabli :-) Trotzdem sollte man pro Katze ein Brett einrechnen, damit kein Streit entsteht ;-)
Meine Tiger wollen nix anderes mehr
wunderschöne kratzbretter (eher designemöbel) möchte keine andere mehr, unser kater auch nicht :o)